Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Sienna is napping and I just finished watching the Oprah show from yesterday with Dr. Northrup....WOW!! I am not 0ver 35 and the show was geared for women that are, but I really got a lot out of the show despite only being 31 :) She talked a lot about joy and balance and pleasure and the truth in the old adage that "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" One of the things that she said that really struck me is that the flow of blood is the key to unlocking the flow of joy in your life....meaning that exercise is vitally important not just for physical health but for emotional and spiritual health. Yes, of course I already really knew this, but I had never heard it put that way and it just spoke to me.
I am about 6 months pregnant and lately I have just not been feeling like myself. I have been very anxious about giving birth again and even more anxious about having a healthy baby and then brining that little baby into our lives...I have been thinking about more laundry, more dishes, more toys, more stress, more diapers, etc.... instead of allowing myself to focus on the joys that this little one will bring to our lives. What I realized from watching the show is that I have not been doing anything to combat these feelings of anxiety and stress and worry. I need to get out of the house with Sienna and get back to taking little walks with her. She loves it, it's a chance to get out of the house, a chance to be in nature and a chance to bring more joy to my life just by doing something that simple. Why wouldn't I take advantage of that?
Dr. Northrup also said that the three things that will bring you pleasure and joy are (1) exercise, (2) meditation and (3) sex....she explained that our bodies naturally seek out pleasure and if we don't get it from these 3 things, we will turn to unhealthy alternatives like drugs, alcohol and sugar. That really made a lot of sense to me. My life is completely void right now of #1 and #2 (unless you count the exercise I get from chasing after a toddler and the meditation I get from taking a bubble bath once a week???)
I am determined to put more of these 2 things into my life and I think the key is to just start small and add little doses of them here and there. I don't need to go on a 2 mile trek through the neighborhood or sit and meditate for an hour...instead I think I will just try and get in some afternoon or evening walks with Sienna or even with all three of us if Johnny gets home in time, and as for the meditation, I think I will just try to get in some prayer and reflection time as soon as I wake set my day on the right track and try to take a bath most nights and instead of reading a magazine or book, just be still and silent and allow God to speak to me and allow myself to actually listen.
Just some thoughts I was having today. Glad I got that off my chest :)

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