Monday, April 30, 2007

We are leaving soon to go on vacation, and I am trying so hard not to do what I normally do = worry so much about everything I need to pack for myself and for Sienna, worrying about how she will do in the car for such a long drive, worrying that she won't want to take naps or sleep at night, worrying that the vacation won't be restful at all for me because I will be chasing after the little one the entire trip, etc... etc, etc..... How very silly to spend even a second worrying about all of these things when I should be looking forward to our time away and being so very grateful that we are blessed to even go on a nice long family vacation!! So that is what I am trying to excited, joyful and grateful.....

I started packing today, which led to cleaning out my closet, which led to cleaning out my dresser drawers, which led to cleaning out the guest closet...... Not very smart to try and tackle all of that while I need to be getting eveything in order for the trip :) So far, I have filled 2 trash bags with give-away clothes and used some of the jumbo Ziploc bags to store sweaters and ski stuff (a la Martha Stewart). I have just been overwhelmed lately with the amount of clothes I have----way too much stuff and way too many things that I never wear and probably never will. It's so true that the things we keep in our homes have an energy and the things that we don't use, that aren't beautiful and that serve no purpose only serve to drag us down emotionally and spiritually. I picked up a copy of "It's All too Much" and I plan on reading it during the trip....

This weekend we took Sienna to a birthday party for one of my childhood friend's little boy's first birthday, and I was inspired yet again by all that she is able to accomplish with 2 small boys. There were picnic tables in the backyard that her husband had made himself!!! homemade salsa, lasagna, salad and ice cream and she even made the little Elmo birthday cake herself!! Her home is so inspiring and so comfy. I went to Target on Sunday and bought a few things to spruce up the bathrooms here and now I am on the look out for some vintage finds that I can add to the mix. It feels good to change things around a little and freshen the rooms up a bit---I need to take some pictures and post them when we get back.

So, I am off to finish packing---and reminding myself to not sweat the small stuff :)

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Oh, I totally need a good long vacation too! I hope you have fun. I got my Happy Mail from Ginny and I love it. See it on my blog.....

Thanks again for organizing our Happy Mail exchanges every month, it is always so fun!



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