With all the doctor's appointments, inhalers, allergy testing, nose sprays, etc... that have been going on around our house this week, I am just now getting around to uploading and editing our pictures from the Fourth of July weekend. The main thing I noticed while going through them this morning is that I DID NOT TAKE ENOUGH PHOTOS!! I hate when that happens.....but I guess it just means I was having too great of a time to stop and get out the ol' camera??
We did have a great weekend. It all started with our family tradition of getting donuts and heading to watch our local hometown parade. Now when I say hometown parade, I mean hometown parade. Let me say it this way.....we watched the entire thing go by twice and it still only lasted about 30 minutes :)
But Sienna looks forward to this parade all year long. In fact, she has been talking about it incessantly since last fourth of july, and she loved it again this year!

After the parade, we bought fireworks (sparklers) and then went to a park and had lunch. We also spent time with cousins, watched fireworks on Saturday night (the 3rd) from our car, played in the pool and had a Bar-B-Q at PaPa's house on Sunday afternoon.

I didn't take my camera with me for the big fireworks show Sunday night (boo hiss!!), but it was definitely the highlight of our weekend!! This was the first time the kiddos had seen big, huge fireworks set to music, and I absoluetly loved watching them take it all in. Grant was not a big fan at first....he sat in my lap and said he wanted to go home a few times, but when the show was over he said he wanted to see them all over again. Sienna, on the other hand, could not have been more thrilled!! She said the fireworks looked like Christmas, and when I asked her if she was having a good time, she replied "Mama, I have been waiting for this for so long!!"
And somewhere along the way, Grant decided that this was the face he would give me every single time I asked him to look at Mommy's camera??

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