Tuesday, August 18, 2009

back to school

So I know in this photo she looks pretty darn sweet and happy......but sometimes a photo doesn't tell the complete story (that's exactly why I scrapbook....and blog!!). In fact, our first day back to school was not the idyllic scene that I had conjured up in my mind, but rather a frustrating tug of war with lots of preschool drama.

After a sumer spent in shorts, t-shirts and flip flops, Sienna was not at all thrilled about getting dressed in her full uniform and wearing dress shoes. Instead, she took off her shoes and socks three times and begged to wear either (a) the pink Hello Kitty socks or (b) the purple flip flops. She also threw quite a fit over having her hair brushed as well as eating her breakfast. I was frustrated, she was frustrated, we were rushing out the door trying not to be late on her first day, and I think maybe we were both a little nervous?

By the time we arrived at her school however, she had transformed into a different child. She was happy and excited and walked right into her classroom and sat down to begin coloring....no holding onto my leg, no begging me not to leave, just a quick kiss and hug and a "See ya later mommy."

I drove away feeling all sorts of emotions: guilty for not making the morning more peaceful, sad that I didn't make the time to stage a photo shoot on the front porch before we left for her first day, or that I didn't bring the video camera (my hands were a little full with the back pack, nap mat, lunch, sippy cup, teacher gift, snacks for the class and my big 'ole camera!!), and also so very grateful that she is such an independent, sweet, smart, sassy, tender-hearted, imaginative, amazing little girl and that God chose us to be her parents!!

So it may not have been the morning that I had envisioned, but we made it there on time, we brought everything we were supposed to bring, she loved her teacher, and she had a wonderful first day....I think that's all that really matters!!

1 comment:

the rockwall hurtados said...

Kristy~ she is absolutely beautiful! I can't believe how grown up she is. She reminds me exactly of you when you were little. How sweet! And it looks to me like she is so happy and ready for school. VERY CUTE!


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