Friday, July 10, 2009


Every single day truly is a blessing!! It has become almost cliche to say this, but I really don't think it can be overemphasized.....every day that we wake up, see the sun shining in the sky, breath in and out, hug our children, kiss our spouse, pet the dog, hear from a friend, put one foot in front of the other, sing along to the radio, look out the window at the flowers, the trees, the grass, the is all a blessing. My life is far from perfect, but I am so very grateful for all of my blessings!!

Perhaps knowing that I will be leaving my children for a short period of time while I spend time with my husband has made me a tad nostalgic for them (before I have even left)....but I have been so mindful over the past few days of how truly amazing they are....frustrating as heck sometimes, but amazing nonetheless :) 

My little boy is ALL BOY....he goes non-stop throughout the entire day, and rarely likes to be held. There are simply too many things for him to see, to explore. But, at night, before bed, when the bath has been taken, the pajamas have been put on, the kisses from big sister have been given.....he simply lays in my arms with his head on my shoulder and lets me rock him. It is the sweetest part of our day, and although his daddy puts him to bed on most nights, when I have the honor, I cherish our time very peaceful!!

1 comment:

Alijoy said...

You are soo soo soo correct. I love those last moments of the day - when I too am truly relaxed and can enjoy that time. Too often I want to get out and do "me time" though. Thanks for the reminder. We are truly blessed to have these little guys in our lives and before long they won't let us do the night time snuggle {sigh}.


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